Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019

I am going to try to write much more often. I hope that it will help me process and live the best I can in the conditions that are my mind.  I am listening to a podcast as I type. My son is playing soccer in our stamp size front yard with our neighbor. My daughter is at her cousin's house baking a cake. I just dropped off my husband downtown to attend the Saints Playoff team.

I'm listening to Serial, listening again to the podcast about Bowe Bergdahl. Bergdahl has not been officially diagnosed, but it is most likely that he has some type of mental illness (schizo affective disorder). I am lucky that I don't have a diagnosis that is this severe. Schizo affective disorder is much harder to treat than depression and anxiety which is what I suffer from (heavy on the depression).  Anxiety is- of course- along for the ride (for myself).

Here is the synopsis for last week.  I ran on the weekend for a short distance (maybe around 4 miles). Monday and Wednesday I went to November Project with my friend.  Therefore, I was pretty stable Monday-Thursday. I was tired, and I went to bed too early on Thursday. I went to bed from 7:30 PM until 6:30 AM. I woke up, and I still felt so exhausted. This was the first week  back after our Holiday Break which lasted for two weeks. On Friday I felt physically and mentally done. I wasn't my best. Everything bothered me. I felt sick, very ill from my depression.  I have felt worse. I could walk around, go to work, etc. That was all I could do. As soon as I came home, I was done. It  feels like a terrible cycle. My husband was great. He helped with everything. He made me get up on Friday morning and on Saturday morning. I had a plan to go on a long run on Saturday.  I probably slept for over 10 hours on Friday. I said I would start my planned 13.1 mile training run at 7:00AM. Then I could be helpful with family life. Of course I didn't even get out of bed until 7:30 AM.  It wasn't the end of the world.

I texted my running partner, and she told me to go to her house, so we could start together. I arrived at her house around 8:30, and we started almost immediately. I felt terrible at first because I had slept more hours than I was awake for the past few days. After about 30 minutes of running (2 min run/30 sec walk), the terrible dread, fog, and disgusting film of depression began to lift off of my body and soul.  Thank you, God, for this. Thank you.  Then I knew I would be fine. We are running in The Big Beach Marathon on January 27th. I'm running the half, and my running partner is running the full. It will be her first full. It will be my second half for the year. Running is literally saving me. Really.  Especially when I oversleep- which I do because my mind/body tells me, you are exhausted, you are exhausted.  The dread, anxiety, and just being in the moment are awful and relentless. When I am deeply asleep, I don't feel it. Once I begin to cross the 10 hour threshold, I have dreams that I wake up remembering. These dreams repeat and vary slightly. They are usually about how I have lost my mind, I am in a psych ward somewhere, and I am trapped in my own head. They are pretty awful.  The terrible state that I am in in my dreams has never happened to me in real life. I think these dreams represent my worst fears about my mind (which-as I said- is relentless).  C ran with me for 7 miles. We kept a pretty good pace. She really helped me. It felt fine, but I  would not have been able to do it without the help.

She left me at her street. I had 6 more miles to do. I started on my own, and I felt fine. The first 30 minutes are always the hardest. Once my body is warmed up, and I'm in the zone, I can keep going. I decided to run all the way downtown (to the Marriott). That is a three mile run from where C dropped me off. It is largely on the dirt tracks of the street car which feels good on the legs. I had a banana, water, and tea at the Starbucks downtown. Then I decided to run my additional 3 miles downtown by the Mississippi River, down the riverfront, down through Crescent Park. These parks follow the river, and they feel great.

The last three miles of my three miles, I tried to run the entire time. This felt pretty good. Therefore, I walked another 7 miles back home. This gave me a total of 20 miles with 13 miles done running/walking.  This has been my longest walk/run in NOLA in years. It felt amazing. My heart rate was up. I was exhausted but not injured. I stopped at Steins and had a bagel with egg, swiss, and tomato. Then I walked to my mother in law's house where my daughter and husband were. I knew I would be fine for the rest of the day. I knew that the intense exercise would keep me feeling safe for the next 24 hours. I forced myself to stay awake until 9PM. I was up by 7:30 AM. This wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. I didn't feel as bad as I usually do after sleeping this long because my body actually needed it due to the 20 miles.

Today I went on a nice walk for a couple of miles. I cleaned the kitchen. Now my job is to clean the house and get things ready for the week. This always overwhelms me. I need to look at the bills, pay them, take a shower, wash my hair, be present for my kids when they are done with their playdate. Be present for my family when we are all together tonight for dinner. That sounds easy right?  It is, if you are not so depressed and anxious that you can't be in the moment.

I already have a plan for exercising in the morning. I have to have someone pick me up, or I have to pick up someone in order to go to my November Project workout. If no one is counting on me, I will sleep.  My friend will be waiting on me for 5:40 AM.  I'll sleep in my clothes, have my water, shoes, and keys by the door. Then I'll go get her in the morning.

Doing the small things such as cleaning up, organizing, etc. Those are the hard things. I don't feel like I will do enough. My house won't be the right kind of clean. Am I being a good enough mom? Look at my house. Look at the pictures I haven't hung, etc. These things haunt me, so it is hard for me to do anything at all.  I am going to try. The only way I can do it is to write myself a list in my tiny calendar notebook. Then I have to cross the things off the list. This list has to be VERY SPECIFIC, or I will not do it.

Next week, I have an appointment with a new therapist. I am taking my medication. I am exercising. My plan is to do November Project on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and have one running day on Saturday. That should be ok.

Week of 1/13/2019
Sunday: Rest
Monday: NP Jeff Davis
Tuesday: (Satsuma 6:15- RUN)
Wednesday: NP (Champion's Square)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: NP (Lakefront)
Saturday: Run 

Saturday, January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019

January 5, 2019

It's a new year. I have much to celebrate. I have been exercising at least three days a week for months now. I am about to start back at work on Monday which unfortunately triggers anxiety and depression for me. I want to also start looking at what I'm eating because that might be a factor, also. As you know, internet, I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off for two years.  It is starting to creep back up a little to 184.4 from 180 since I have been eating lots of sweets to help manage my depression.  It temporarily helps me feel better when I eat as much chocolate as I can get my hands on. It is an addiction for me. It means scouring the house for the kids Christmas candy and eating what I think I can get away with without them noticing it. Who bought them this particular candy, you ask. I did of course.

Here is my exercise regime since the first of January:
Tuesday, New Years Day, 2019: 6 miles running with a run/walk of 2:00/30 seconds. Then another mile of walking
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Running/walking for 10 miles.  I was trying not to exercise on Thursday. Unfortunately my brain didn't allow it. I started sinking into depression. I felt terrible, desperate.  I left the house around 12:30 PM and didn't return until after 4:00 PM. This was after running/walking 10 miles. That was the only thing that worked. 
Friday: Rest
Saturday: I was going to go to The November Project workout at 8:00 AM, but I kept hitting snooze on my alarm. I couldn't sleep all night with the anxiety of Will I wake up or won't I?  Then Diana called me twice. We hadn't yet decided on her picking me up, but thank God she did.  I got out of bed at 7:40. I quickly threw on a coat over my outfit (that I slept in). I got some tea ready, some water and a bar. I also threw my medication in my pocket. I still had time to take my medicine, eat a bar, and make it to November Project on time- with Diana driving.  The workout was great. I felt terrible when I started, but it finally went away after about 10 minutes.
Sunday (tomorrow) I'm either doing a 5.6 mile Jackson Day Race in Arabi, LA or I'm running around the park with the family. I already have Diana coming with me. I'll do whatever she wants.

Since I am full of anxiety, indecision and a general sense of dread that is my depression, it is extremely difficult to make a decision. I am a little obsessed with how should I exercise tomorrow? Will I sleep tonight? etc. I have around 19 more papers to grade which is amazing since I started with 74 papers.  I also need to clean the house, make everything perfect for starting school on Monday. Since all of this overwhelms me so much, I will of course, do nothing. I did try to clean my room for about 30 minutes. It overwhelmed me and made me feel very depressed. I don't know why.  That makes no sense. I just don't think I can do it properly.  I know, it makes no sense. That is why I am writing to you- dear blog. It helps me stay off the edge. I am lucky enough that my depression has never sent me into the hospital. I wish I could go in the hospital sometimes, to take a break from it, but I don't think that is what happens. I think that would be terrible to be in a facility where you didn't have control of your life anymore. Therefore, that won't happen. I will continue. What other choice do I have. I just have to pick up one foot. Put one foot in front of the other. Go to this party. Talk to this person. You know the drill.